
Thedefaultgatewayisforanyandalltrafficwhichisnotdestinedforthelocalnetworkandforwhichnopreferredrouteisspecifiedintheroutingtable.,Thedefaultrouteisgenerallytheaddressofanotherrouter,whichtreatsthepacketthesameway:ifaroutematches,thepacketisforwardedaccordingly, ...,ph.【電腦】一路徑表格記錄.Dr.eye譯典通片語.defaultroute.,,Adefaultroutedefineswherepacketswillbesentifnospecificrouteforthedestin...

11.4. Static Routes and the Default Gateway

The default gateway is for any and all traffic which is not destined for the local network and for which no preferred route is specified in the routing table.

Default route

The default route is generally the address of another router, which treats the packet the same way: if a route matches, the packet is forwarded accordingly, ...

default route

ph. 【電腦】一路徑表格記錄. Dr.eye 譯典通片語. default route.

Default static route

A default route defines where packets will be sent if no specific route for the destination network is listed in the routing table. If no default route is ...

Understanding Default Routes

A default route is the route that takes effect when no other route is available for an IP destination address.


2012年12月9日 — 另一位同事回應,差異是一個是Layer 2、一個是Layer 3。原發問的同事答: 沒錯!!

設定使用IP 命令的最後選用閘道

2023年12月11日 — 摘要. 在Cisco路由器上停用ip routing時,請使用ip default-gateway命令。使用ip default-network或ip route 0.0.


2015年1月23日 — 但是必須注意的是,針對這種單一方向連線(Uni-directional)的靜態路由,其設定必須是連線的兩端都要設定才行。 設定預設路由資料(Default Route).


預設路由(英語:Default route),是對IP封包中的目的位址找不到存在的其他路由時,路由器所選擇的路由。目的地不在路由器的路由表里的所有封包都會使用預設路由。

Linux如何在開機時自動設定static route?

Linux如何在開機時自動設定static route?
